WARNING: A deprecated branch based version specification is used for the dependency linenoise. Please use numbered versions instead. Also note that you can still use the dub.selections.json file to override a certain dependency to use a branch instead. ../5b9a6f08592222f16573a79e-tested/source/tested.d(14,8): Deprecation: struct `std.datetime.StopWatch` is deprecated - To be removed after 2.094. Use std.datetime.stopwatch.StopWatch instead. ../5b9a6f08592222f16573a79e-tested/source/tested.d(14,8): Deprecation: struct `std.datetime.StopWatch` is deprecated - To be removed after 2.094. Use std.datetime.stopwatch.StopWatch instead. ../5b9a6f08592222f16573a79e-tested/source/tested.d(193,13): Deprecation: struct `std.datetime.StopWatch` is deprecated - To be removed after 2.094. Use std.datetime.stopwatch.StopWatch instead. ../5b9a6f08592222f16573a79e-tested/source/tested.d(56,6): Error: `@safe` function `instrument` cannot access `__gshared` data `g_runner` ../5b9a6f08592222f16573a79e-tested/source/tested.d(56,16): Error: `@safe` function `instrument` cannot access `__gshared` data `g_runner` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/dmd-safe failed with exit code 1.